How PGP Arbitration Works

"Learn how your purchases are protected by Simplified Privacy’s registration with XMRBazaar"

How PGP Arbitration Works

PGP Registration


Simplified Privacy has deposited 2 Monero with an arbitrator from XMRBazaar and registered it with our PGP key.


All customers get a PGP receipt for VPS setups, phones, or other tech services. This receipt protects the purchase even if it is not made through the XMRBazaar website and even if it’s in a different cryptocurrency. If you do not know how to verify a PGP receipt, we have an easy graphical tutorial found here: link


If we fail to deliver on our promises, you can contact the arbitrator (AilliA), and show your PGP signed receipt.

2 Weeks

If we fail to respond or provide proof of delivery within 2 weeks, AilliA will pay you XMR from our deposit.

Deposit Information

Transaction ID:


View-only Wallet:


View Key:


Who is the arbitrator?


AilliA is one of the most active moderators and arbitrators on XMRBazaar, a peer-to-peer marketplace founded by the popular MoneroTalk podcast. You can find links to contact her or view the Bazaar below:

Note: We do trades off the platform to avoid multi-signature glitching issues.


You can find AilliA’s Twitter account here:

And her post discussing this:


AlliA can be reached on XMRBazaar, Twitter, or on Matrix:

Proof of Delivery

Physical items:

For physical items, such as a phone, we will show a tracking number and video of it it going in packaging.

Digital items:

For digital items, such as a server setup, we will demonstrate to the arbitrator proof that it functions are promised.

Full Agreement

Regular Internet

You can find our full agreement with AilliA here: Link


We have also uploaded our agreement on to Arweave. We use Arweave because it’s uncensored and immutable (can’t be changed), which ideal for binding contracts.

Arweave ID:



You can view this in a regular web browser with any Gateway, for example in:





If you really want to learn and take your privacy to the next level, subscribe to our new content via: Nostr, Bastyon, Session, RSS, Ethereum Push.


Aug 14, 2024

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